#67 Kyle Tatum
Jupiter, FL
1925 Harley-Davidson JD
My name is Kyle Tatum. I’m a relative newbie to the antique motorcycle scene and if I’m being honest my first real exposure was during last years Cannonball. For the 2020 Cannonball I’ll be rebuilding a 1925 JD, current pictures attached. With all that being said, I’ll dive into a little about myself. I’m currently 31 years old and living in Jupiter FL. I went to school for Civil Engineering but after sitting in a cubicle for a month I decided that it wasn’t for me and went into Construction. I enjoy fixing and restoring anything I can get my hands on, from older tools to a 96 Bronco (yes, I’m a Ford guy). I’m looking forward to the challenge that this 25 JD will bring and seeing everyone again on the 2020 Cannonball!!!