Stage 12 City of Arkadelphia, Arkadelphia, Arkansas
The Motorcycle Cannonball will have a stop in Arkadelphia, Arkansas. Please join us as riders check in on the twelfth stage, Riders will begin to arrive at 4pm and be on display until 6pm.
Hosted by the City of Arkadelphia, along with Mayor and Motorcycle Cannonball Rider # 25 Scott Byrd, you will be welcomed by warm, friendly people who know Southern hospitality.
A town with two colleges located in the foothills of the Ouachita mountains. The vistas are gorgeous as you move in and out of town you will cross the Ouachita River coming into town and the Caddo on your way out.
Riders will check-in Downtown Arkadelphia. Like an old motorcycle, the downtown fell on hard times when a tornado blew threw in 1997, but the town was rebuilt and is running better than ever.
The City motto is “A great place to call home” and we are excited that it will be our home for the night!
*Official times announced closer to the event.
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